How to Massage Lips After Lip Filler – Techniques for Lump Reduction

Lip fillers are an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment for enhancing the size and shape of lips.

As with any injection, it’s common to experience some swelling, bruising, and potentially small lumps after the procedure.

Many wonder – should you massage lips after lip filler? Properly massaging the area helps reduce lumps and bumps.

In this guide, we’ll explain why lumps form, when to start massaging, proper technique, what to avoid, and other aftercare tips for a smooth recovery.

Key Facts About Massaging Lips After Filler

  • Gentle massage can help break up common bumps and lumpiness from lip filler.
  • Massage no earlier than 2-3 days after treatment when initial swelling has subsided.
  • Use light, circular pressing motions along the vermillion border of the lips.
  • Avoid over-massaging, stretching the lips or massaging too soon after injections.
  • Consult your injector for personalized aftercare instructions.
  • Most lumpiness resolves within 7-10 days with proper aftercare.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health practices. We are not responsible for any harm or injury resulting from the application of techniques described in this article.

Now let’s dive into the details on how to massage your lips after getting dermal filler for best results.

What Causes Lumps After Lip Filler Injections?

Some degree of swelling, bruising, tenderness and potentially small bumps along the lips is totally normal after lip filler. Here’s a look at some common causes:

  • Inflammatory Response: Like any injection or injury, filler triggers localized inflammation as the body responds to a foreign substance. This causes fluid buildup and swelling, which can temporarily feel lumpy as it resolves.
  • Filler Migration: Slight filler migration can occur after injections before the material integrates with tissue. This may cause uneven bumps and areas of fullness.
  • Improper Injection Technique: Injector error can lead to uneven filler distribution, overfilled areas, or superficial placement under the skin – all potentially contributing to bumps.
  • Individual Response: Everyone’s body uniquely responds to injections. Some patients simply experience more pronounced swelling and lumpiness than others post-filler.

The good news is that lumpiness from proper lip filler injections is temporary for most patients. Gently massaging helps speed up the resolution.

Why Regular Lip Massage is Crucial After Filler

Performing lip massage properly in the days after injectable filler is crucial for minimizing the bumps and lumps that are very common with this treatment.

lady getting lip filler treatment - photo

As cosmetic practitioner Jonathan Sykes explains in a video below, swelling around the filler material causes these lumps. By having the patient gently massage their lips a few times a day for about 30 seconds, this helps smooth out lip filler lumps and distribute the product evenly.

When massaging their lips, they’re mildly compressing the area with their thumb, focusing along the upper lip vermillion border where lumps frequently occur with injections like Juvederm.

Completely normal side effects like swelling compress surrounding tissue, making the area feel hardened and lumpy temporarily.

Properly perform the post lip filler massage technique demonstrated by your injector during your consultation.

Consistently massaging the lips in 30 second intervals 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days helps minimize common bumps and lumps from lip injections. 

When to Start Massaging Lips After Filler

It’s important not to massage the area too soon after injections. Here are general guidelines on when to start:

  • Day 1-2: Avoid massaging and apply only light pressure when cleansing.
  • Day 3: Very gentle massage may be started but avoid significant pressure.
  • Day 4 Onward: Begin regularly massaging using proper technique outlined below.

Always follow your provider’s specific guidance on when to start massaging.

The first 2-3 days are needed for the most significant swelling to subside before massaging can help smooth bumps. Premature massage risks filler migration to unintended areas.

Plan to continue gently massaging for 5-7 days, or until your lips have returned to their desired shape. Most bumps resolve within 7-10 days with proper aftercare.

Call your provider if you still have noticeable lumps after 2 weeks

Additional treatment like lip enzyme dissolver may be recommended.

GoalTechniqueFrequencyWhen to StartWhat to Avoid
Smooth away lumps and bumpsLight, circular pressing motions along vermillion border2-3 times per day2-3 days after injection once initial swelling subsidesOver-massaging, stretching lips, starting too soon
Distribute filler evenlyMassage during injection if injector allowsN/ADuring injectionN/A
Reduce swellingCool compresses (not excessive ice)As needed for comfortImmediately after treatmentProlonged direct ice contact
Hydrate lipsApply lip balm like AquaphorFrequently – lips may feel dry during recoveryImmediately and throughout recoveryDrying or matte lip products
Protect from sunUse SPF 30+ lip balmDailyImmediately and throughout recoveryNo SPF protection

How to Massage Lips After Filler – Step-By-Step Technique

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly massage your lips after lip filler injections:

Lip filler injection - illustration

Wash Your Hands

Thoroughly wash and dry your hands before massaging to prevent infection. You’ll be using your fingers directly on the injection sites.

Use Moderate Pressure

Apply moderate pressure using your index fingers – enough to compress tissue without causing pain or blanching. Avoid using excessive force.

Focus on Vermillion Border

Run fingers back and forth along the vermillion border of the lips – the junction between the lip skin and interior mucosa. This helps smooth any migrating filler.

Use Circular Motions

Press and gently roll fingers along lips using a circular massage motion. Visualize pressing bumps outward.

Massage All Areas

Systematically massage all over the upper and lower lips, including any specific tender or bumpy areas.

Perform 3 Times Daily

Massage lips in 5-10 minute sessions 2-3 times per day after the first few days of recovery.

Adjust Pressure as Needed

Start very gentle initially and adjust pressure based on comfort and swelling reduction. Ease up if any bruising develops.

The key is to be consistent and gentle. Never stretch or squeeze lips excessively.

Stop if massaging causes pain or visible trauma. Report concerns to your provider promptly.

Some providers also recommend patients massage their own lips during the injection process. Lightly pressing or pinching areas as they are filled can help better distribute and integrate filler.

What to Avoid When Massaging Lip Fillers

While gentle massage helps the recovery process, take care to avoid these mistakes:

  • Massaging too vigorously, which risks filler displacement
  • Starting massage too soon when swelling is most pronounced
  • Stretching or squeezing lips forcefully
  • Twisting/contorting lips or over manipulating the area
  • Applying ice or heat directly to lips
  • Using massage devices, rollers or tools improperly
  • Massaging for too long at once – keep it brief
  • Spreading filler by massaging across the entire lips versus localized areas

Always follow your injector’s guidelines and ease up if massaging causes trauma or increased swelling. Stop and consult your provider if anything seems abnormal.

Additional Tips for Managing Lips After Filler

Along with proper massage technique, here are some other tips for minimizing lumps and speeding lip filler recovery:

  • Use cooling compresses on lips during the first 1-2 days to reduce initial swelling. Avoid excessive ice.
  • Sleep face up on your back with head elevated the first 2-3 nights. This minimizes gravity’s effects on swelling.
  • Stick to a soft, bland diet and avoid hard, crunchy, hot or spicy foods which could traumatize tender lips.
  • Avoid kissing, oral sex or other activities that directly impact lips during the first week.
  • Opt for liquid lipsticks or balms during recovery. Avoid matte or drying lip colors that feel tight.
  • Apply a gentle lip balm like Aquaphor to keep the area hydrated as it heals.
  • Take it easy on facial movements like extreme smiling, puckering, or talking extensively.
  • Wear SPF 30+ lip balm whenever outdoors to protect from sun exposure as skin heals.
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid alcohol for optimal healing.

Know When to Seek Help for Lip Injection Lumps

Mild to moderate lumpiness that improves with gentle massage is normal during the first week after lip fillers.

However, see your provider right away if you experience:

  • Extreme, hardened lumps after 1-2 weeks
  • Lumps accompanied by pain, bleeding or color changes
  • Significant asymmetry or irregularities
  • Persistent numbness over a week later
  • Lumps that worsen instead of improve
  • Signs of infection like pus, fever or spreading redness

Report any concerns promptly to prevent complications like vascular occlusion or advanced filler migration requiring corrective treatment. Most cases of lumpiness resolve without intervention.

But your provider can determine if enzymes or hyaluronidase are needed for stubborn lumps.

Restore Smooth, Luscious Lips with Proper Aftercare

With diligent aftercare, lumpiness and bumps from lip fillers typically resolve quickly for a beautiful, natural-looking result.

Be sure to gently massage lips using proper technique for 5-7 days after injections. Avoid overzealous massage or manipulation.

Combine with rest, hydration and SPF to facilitate an easy recovery.

Most importantly – follow all of your injector’s personalized instructions for your specific case and report any abnormal symptoms immediately.

With the right aftercare, you can smooth out common lip filler lumps and bump your pout back to perfection.


  1. Lip Fillers Aftercare: 10 Tips, What to Expect, and More – Healthline: An article providing tips and what to expect after getting lip fillers.
  2. Lip Filler Aftercare: Essential Tips and What to Avoid – Byrdie: A medically reviewed article providing essential tips and things to avoid after getting lip fillers.
  3. 18 Tips For a Smooth Lip-Filler Recovery – NewBeauty: An article providing 18 tips for a smooth recovery after getting lip fillers.
  4. Lip Filler Aftercare: The Dos and Don’ts – Ellis James Designs: An article discussing the dos and don’ts after getting lip fillers.
  5. Everything You Need to Know about Lip Filler After-Care – The Smile Practice: An article providing comprehensive information about lip filler after-care.

Q: What is lip filler?

A: Lip filler is a cosmetic treatment where a substance is injected into the lips to add volume and shape.

Q: What causes lip filler lumps?

A: Lip filler lumps can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper injection techniques, inadequate massaging after the procedure, or the body’s natural response to the filler.

Q: Are lip filler lumps common?

A: Yes, lip filler lumps are very common and can occur in many patients after getting lip injections.

Q: How can I reduce lip filler lumps?

A: One technique to reduce lip filler lumps is to massage your lips. By gently massaging the affected areas, you can help smooth out any bumps or lumps.

Q: When should I massage my lips after lip filler?

A: It is recommended to start massaging your lips immediately after the procedure and continue to do so multiple times a day for the first few days.

Q: How do I properly perform the post lip filler massage?

A: To properly perform the post lip filler massage, you can use your clean thumb or fingers to gently massage the lips. Apply light pressure and move in circular motions for about 30 seconds on each area.

Q: Is it normal for lips to swell after lip filler?

A: Yes, it is completely normal to experience some swelling around the filler injection site after getting lip injections.

Q: Can lip filler lumps go away on their own?

A: In many cases, lip filler lumps may go away on their own over time. However, if you have concerns, it’s always best to consult with your practitioner.

Q: How can I prevent lip filler lumps?

A: To help prevent lip filler lumps, it’s important to choose a reputable practitioner, have a thorough consultation before the treatment, and follow the post-treatment care instructions carefully.

Q: Can I massage lip filler lumps away?

A: While massaging your lips can help smooth out lip filler lumps, it’s important to consult with your practitioner before attempting to do so to ensure you perform the technique properly and avoid any complications.