Can Massage Help With Vertigo? Your Questions Answered

Have you ever felt like the world is spinning around you, even when you’re standing still? If so, you’re not alone.

This sensation, known as vertigo, can be disorienting and even debilitating. But what if there was a natural, non-invasive way to help manage it?

In this article, we explore the question: Can massage help with vertigo?

Key Facts at a Glance

  • Vertigo is a sensation of feeling off balance, often described as a spinning sensation.
  • Massage therapy, particularly acupressure and soft tissue massage, can help alleviate vertigo symptoms.
  • Techniques like the Epley Maneuver, used by trained massage therapists, can provide relief.
  • Regular massage therapy can also help with related symptoms, such as headaches and migraines.
  • Seeking treatment from trained and practiced massage therapists is crucial for effective results.

Now, let’s delve deeper. Vertigo can be a complex condition with various causes and symptoms. It can disrupt your daily life, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting.

But there’s hope. Many people have found relief through massage therapy, a holistic approach that can help manage vertigo symptoms and improve overall well-being.

In the following sections, we’ll explore how massage therapy can help with vertigo, the types of massages that are most effective, and practical tips for incorporating massage therapy into your vertigo management plan.

Whether you’re a long-time vertigo sufferer or you’re just starting to explore treatment options, this article is for you. Let’s get started!

Understanding Vertigo

Vertigo can be a disconcerting experience, often described as a feeling of spinning or a sense of imbalance. But what exactly causes this sensation? And how does it affect those who experience it? Let’s delve into the world of vertigo to better understand this condition.

Vertigo Key Facts at a Glance

  • Vertigo is typically caused by issues in the inner ear or brain.
  • Common symptoms include a feeling of spinning, tilting, or loss of balance.
  • Vertigo can also cause nausea, vomiting, and difficulty standing or walking.
  • Episodes of vertigo can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
  • Vertigo can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

Vertigo is often linked to conditions such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, or vestibular neuritis. These conditions affect the inner ear, disrupting your sense of balance.

Vertigo can also be a symptom of stroke or migraines, making it a condition that should never be ignored.

The symptoms of vertigo can be unsettling. Imagine feeling as if the room is spinning, or you’re being pulled in one direction. This can lead to nausea, problems with balance, and even difficulty walking.

Episodes can last from a few minutes to a few hours, and they can come and go.

Living with vertigo can be challenging. It can disrupt your daily activities and make it difficult to perform tasks that once seemed simple.

But understanding the condition is the first step towards managing it effectively. In the next section, we’ll explore how massage therapy can be a potential solution to help manage vertigo.

Massage as a Treatment for Vertigo

If you’re living with vertigo, one holistic approach that has shown promise is massage therapy. But how does it work? And what makes it effective for vertigo?

Massage and Vertigo at a Glance

  • Massage therapy can help manage vertigo by targeting the underlying causes.
  • It can help relax muscles, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being.
  • Massage therapy can reduce stress and anxiety, which can exacerbate vertigo symptoms.
  • It’s a non-invasive and natural treatment option.
  • Massage therapy should be performed by trained professionals for best results.

Massage therapy works by manipulating the body’s soft tissues to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and reduce muscle tension. For vertigo sufferers, this can be particularly beneficial.

By relaxing the muscles, especially those in the neck and upper back, massage can help alleviate the symptoms of vertigo. Improved circulation can also help reduce the frequency and severity of vertigo episodes.

Moreover, massage therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to exacerbate vertigo symptoms. It’s a natural, non-invasive treatment option that can be used in conjunction with other treatments for comprehensive vertigo management.

However, it’s important to note that massage therapy should be performed by trained professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the specific types of massages that can help with vertigo and how they can be incorporated into your vertigo management plan.

Types of Massage for Vertigo

Not all massages are created equal, especially when it comes to treating vertigo.

Certain types of massage techniques have been found to be particularly effective.

So what are these techniques, and how do they help with vertigo?

Best Types of Massage for Vertigo

  • Acupressure massage is commonly used for treating vertigo.
  • Soft tissue massage therapy can also be effective.
  • The Epley Maneuver is a specific technique used by trained therapists for vertigo caused by BPPV.
  • Regular sessions of these massages can help manage vertigo symptoms.
  • Each type of massage targets different aspects of vertigo.

One of the most common forms of massage for treating vertigo is acupressure massage. Based on traditional Chinese medicine, this form of treatment targets specific points on the body to help restore balance and alleviate symptoms of vertigo.

Soft tissue massage therapy is another effective treatment for vertigo. By manipulating the soft tissues, this type of massage can help relieve tension and improve circulation, which can in turn help manage vertigo symptoms.

For those diagnosed with vertigo caused by BPPV, a specific technique known as the Epley Maneuver can be particularly beneficial. This technique, performed by a trained and practiced massage therapist, can help alleviate the symptoms of vertigo.

Regular sessions of these massages can help manage vertigo symptoms and improve overall well-being. 

In the next section, we’ll delve into specific techniques and maneuvers that can be used in massage therapy for vertigo. 

Specific Techniques and Maneuvers

While general massage can be beneficial for vertigo, certain specific techniques and maneuvers have been found to be particularly effective. 

  • The Epley Maneuver is a specific technique used for vertigo caused by BPPV.
  • Acupressure points like the Feng Chi point can help alleviate vertigo symptoms.

One of the most effective techniques for treating vertigo, particularly when it’s caused by BPPV, is the Epley Maneuver.

This technique involves a series of head movements designed to move the tiny crystals in your inner ear that may be causing vertigo. When performed by a trained therapist, the Epley Maneuver can provide significant relief.

Acupressure, a form of massage therapy, also offers specific techniques for vertigo. For instance, massaging the Feng Chi point, located at the base of the skull, can help alleviate vertigo symptoms, dizziness, and even a stiff neck..

In the next section, we’ll explore the additional benefits of massage therapy for vertigo, beyond just managing the spinning sensation.

Additional Benefits of Massage For Vertigo Sufferers

While the primary focus of this article is on how massage can help with vertigo, it’s worth noting that the benefits of massage therapy extend beyond just managing this condition.

So, what are these additional benefits?

General Massage benefits

One of the additional benefits of massage therapy is its ability to help with related symptoms. For instance, many people with vertigo also experience headaches and migraines. Massage therapy can help relieve these symptoms, providing a more holistic approach to managing vertigo.

Moreover, massage therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety. These are known to exacerbate vertigo symptoms, so by managing stress and anxiety, you can also help manage your vertigo.

Regular massage therapy can also improve overall well-being. It can improve sleep quality, which can often be disrupted by vertigo. Additionally, massage can help improve posture, which can contribute to vertigo.

In the next section, we’ll provide practical tips for incorporating massage therapy into your management plan. 

Practical Tips

Now that we’ve explored how massage can help with vertigo, you might be wondering how to incorporate it into your own vertigo management plan. Here are some practical tips to help you get started.

  • First and foremost, it’s crucial to seek treatment from trained and practiced massage therapists. They have the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively perform the techniques that can help manage vertigo.
  • Regular sessions can help manage vertigo symptoms. While the frequency can vary depending on your specific needs, many vertigo patients find that a weekly massage helps maintain the benefits.
  • Before starting massage therapy, discuss your vertigo symptoms and history with your therapist. This will allow them to tailor the treatment to your specific needs.
  • Be open to trying different types of massages. As we’ve discussed, certain types of massage can be particularly effective for vertigo, but what works best can vary from person to person.
  • Finally, listen to your body and communicate any discomfort during the session. Massage should be a relaxing and beneficial experience, not a source of additional stress or discomfort.

In the next section, we’ll wrap up our discussion.


We’ve journeyed through the world of vertigo and explored how massage therapy can be a valuable tool in managing this condition (we hope you found it useful!). 

Key Takeaways

  • Massage therapy can help manage vertigo by targeting the underlying causes.
  • Techniques like acupressure and the Epley Maneuver can be particularly effective.
  • Regular massage therapy can also help with related symptoms, such as headaches and migraines.
  • Seeking treatment from trained and practiced massage therapists is crucial.
  • Massage therapy is a holistic, non-invasive treatment option for vertigo.

In conclusion, if you’re living with vertigo, consider exploring massage therapy as a potential solution.

It could be the key to regaining your balance and improving your quality of life.

If you have more massage related questions – check out our massage question hub,


  1. Mayo Clinic – Vertigo: Comprehensive overview of vertigo, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
  2. Healthline – Massage Therapy for Vertigo: Detailed article on how massage therapy can help with vertigo, including specific techniques like the Epley Maneuver.
  3. WebMD – Understanding Vertigo: An easy-to-understand guide to vertigo, its causes, and its impact on daily life.
  4. American Massage Therapy Association – Massage Therapy for Dizziness and Vertigo: An article discussing the benefits of massage therapy for dizziness and vertigo.
  5. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders – Vertigo: Information on vertigo from a leading national institute dedicated to communication disorders.
  6. Harvard Health – Vertigo and the balance system: A detailed article on vertigo and the balance system from a reputable medical source.
  7. Cleveland Clinic – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): Information on BPPV, a common cause of vertigo, from a leading healthcare provider.
  8. American Academy of Neurology – Vestibular Migraine: Information on vestibular migraines, a potential cause of vertigo, from a leading neurology organization.
  9. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health – Massage Therapy for Health Purposes: A comprehensive overview of massage therapy and its health benefits from a national health organization.

Q: What is vertigo?

A: Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness or spinning, often caused by problems with the balance mechanisms in the inner ear. It can also be caused by certain medications, infections, or other underlying medical conditions.

Q: Can massage therapy help with vertigo?

A: Yes, massage therapy can help with vertigo. Massage therapy has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of dizziness and improving overall function in patients with vestibular disorders, which can include vertigo.

Q: How does massage therapy work to help with vertigo?

A: Massage therapy can help improve blood flow and reduce tension in the head, neck, and shoulders, which can alleviate symptoms of vertigo. Additionally, massage therapy can help stimulate pressure points and improve function in the vestibular system, which can also provide relief.

Q: What is acupressure and can it help with vertigo?

A: Acupressure is a form of alternative medicine that involves the application of pressure to specific points on the body. It has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of vertigo in some patients. Acupressure can be used in combination with massage therapy for even greater benefits.

Q: What is acupuncture and can it help with vertigo?

A: Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body. It has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of vertigo in some patients.

Q: What are the different types of vertigo?

A: There are several types of vertigo, including meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

Q: What are some common causes of vertigo?

A: Some common causes of vertigo include inner ear problems, head and neck injuries, medication side effects, and certain medical conditions such as migraines or multiple sclerosis.

Q: Is it worth trying massage therapy for vertigo?

A: Yes, it’s definitely worth trying massage therapy for vertigo. Many patients have found relief from their symptoms through regular massage treatments.

Q: Can chiropractic care help with vertigo?

A: Yes, chiropractic care may help with vertigo by improving blood flow and reducing tension in the head, neck, and shoulders. Additionally, chiropractic care can help address underlying issues that may be causing vertigo.

Q: What can I do to take a proactive approach to managing my vertigo?

A: There are several things you can do to take a proactive approach to managing your vertigo. These include staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, avoiding triggers such as alcohol or caffeine, and practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.