Can You Get a Massage After Botox?

Botox treatments have become a popular choice for those seeking a youthful, refreshed appearance.

But what happens when you want to pair this treatment with a relaxing massage? The question on many people’s minds is: Can you get a massage after Botox?

Key Takeways

  • Botox treatments require a period of care post-injection.
  • Massages immediately after Botox can potentially move the Botox to unwanted areas.
  • Experts recommend waiting at least seven days after Botox before getting a massage.
  • It’s important to communicate with your massage therapist about recent Botox injections.
  • Other activities to avoid after Botox include rubbing the face and wearing tight hats.

Now, let’s delve deeper into this topic. Botox, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, has gained immense popularity over the years due to its ability to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.

However, like any treatment, it comes with its own set of post-care instructions, which, if not followed, can impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

One question is whether or not you can get a massage after receiving Botox. 

In this article, we’ll explore this question in detail, providing you with the information you need to ensure the best possible results from your Botox treatment.

Understanding Botox

Botox, scientifically known as Botulinum toxin, is a protein that’s used in cosmetic procedures to temporarily reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines.

It works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it’s injected, causing a temporary muscle paralysis that smooths out the skin above it. But how does this interact with a massage?

Key Botox Facts

  • Botox is a protein used in cosmetic procedures to reduce wrinkles.
  • It works by blocking nerve signals, causing temporary muscle paralysis.
  • Botox is injected into specific muscles to target wrinkles in that area.
  • The effects of Botox are temporary, usually lasting three to six months.
  • The interaction between Botox and massage is a crucial consideration for post-treatment care.

Understanding the mechanics of Botox is the first step in understanding why certain post-treatment activities, like massages, might be a concern.

When Botox is injected, it’s done so into specific muscles to target the wrinkles in that area.

The Botox needs time to settle into those muscles and start working its magic.

Activities that put pressure on or around the injection site, like a massage, could potentially disrupt this process.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the immediate aftermath of Botox injections and why it’s essential to be cautious about certain activities.

The Immediate Aftermath of Botox Injections

Once the Botox has been administered, it doesn’t start working immediately. It takes a bit of time for the protein to settle into the muscles and begin its wrinkle-smoothing work.

During this period, it’s crucial to avoid activities that could potentially interfere with this process, and this includes massages. But why exactly are massages a concern?

What Happens after Botox?

  • Botox doesn’t start working immediately; it needs time to settle into the muscles.
  • Activities that put pressure on the injection site can potentially disrupt the Botox settling process.
  • Massages, particularly those involving the face or injection site, are a concern post-Botox.
  • Disruption can lead to the Botox spreading to unintended muscles, causing unwanted effects.
  • The immediate post-injection period is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of Botox.

Massages, especially those involving the face or the specific area where Botox was injected, can put pressure on the injection site.

This pressure has the potential to move the Botox around, causing it to spread to muscles it wasn’t intended for. This can lead to unwanted effects, such as drooping eyelids or uneven facial expressions.

So, the immediate period after a Botox injection is a crucial time for care and caution.

In the next section, we’ll explore the specific risks associated with getting a massage after Botox.

The Risks of Massaging After Botox

Getting a massage after Botox might sound like a relaxing idea, but it comes with certain risks. The main concern is the potential for the Botox to move from the targeted muscles to other areas.

This can lead to unintended effects, which are not only undesirable but can also impact the overall results of your Botox treatment. So, what exactly can go wrong?

Key Risks After Botox

  • Massaging after Botox can potentially move the Botox to unwanted areas.
  • This can lead to unintended effects, such as drooping eyelids or uneven facial expressions.
  • The overall results of the Botox treatment can be impacted.
  • It’s not just professional massages – even self-massage or pressure from tight hats can cause issues.
  • Experts recommend avoiding any pressure on the treated area for a certain period post-Botox.

When Botox spreads to muscles it wasn’t intended for, it can cause effects like drooping eyelids, crooked smiles, or even a “frozen” look, where parts of the face aren’t moving naturally.

And it’s not just professional massages that can cause this – even self-massage or pressure from tight hats or headbands can potentially move the Botox.

That’s why experts recommend avoiding any pressure on the treated area for a certain period post-Botox. In the next section, we’ll discuss exactly how long you should wait before getting a massage after Botox.

When Can You Get a Massage After Botox?

Now that we’ve established the potential risks of getting a massage immediately after Botox, you might be wondering when it would be safe to schedule your next massage session?

The general consensus among experts is that you should wait at least seven days post-Botox before getting a massage. But why is this waiting period necessary?

Tips for Waiting

  • Experts recommend waiting at least seven days post-Botox before getting a massage.
  • This waiting period allows the Botox to fully settle into the targeted muscles.
  • Getting a massage before this period can potentially disrupt the Botox.
  • The waiting period can vary depending on individual factors and the area treated.
  • Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

This waiting period is necessary to allow the Botox to fully settle into the targeted muscles and start working its magic.

If you get a massage before this period, you run the risk of potentially disrupting the Botox and causing it to spread to unintended muscles.

However, it’s important to note that the exact waiting period can vary depending on individual factors, such as your body’s reaction to Botox and the area that was treated. 

Therefore, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice. In the next section, we’ll provide some tips for scheduling Botox and massages.

Tips for Scheduling Botox and Massages

If you’re a fan of both Botox and massages, you might be wondering how to schedule these treatments to ensure the best results. The key is to plan your appointments with care, taking into account the recommended waiting period post-Botox. So, what’s the best way to schedule your Botox and massage appointments?

Scheduling tips

  • Plan your appointments with care, considering the recommended waiting period post-Botox.
  • If you want both treatments on the same day, get the massage first.
  • Always inform your massage therapist about recent Botox injections.
  • Avoid massages that put pressure on the treated area for at least seven days post-Botox.
  • Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

If you’re planning to get both treatments on the same day, it’s best to get the massage first. This way, you avoid putting pressure on the Botox injection site immediately after treatment.

After your Botox appointment, remember to inform your massage therapist about the treatment, especially if you’re planning to get a facial or head massage.

They can then adjust their technique to avoid putting pressure on the treated area. However, as always, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice. In the next section, we’ll discuss other activities to avoid after Botox.

Other Activities to Avoid After Botox

While massages are a significant consideration, they’re not the only activity to be mindful of after Botox. There are several other activities that could potentially interfere with the settling process of Botox and impact its effectiveness. So, what other activities should you avoid after Botox?

Post Botox Avoid List

  • Avoid any activity that puts pressure on the treated area for at least seven days post-Botox.
  • This includes rubbing the face, wearing tight hats or headbands, and strenuous exercise.
  • Even certain facial expressions can potentially disrupt the Botox.
  • The goal is to allow the Botox to settle into the targeted muscles without disruption.
  • Always consult with your healthcare provider for a comprehensive list of activities to avoid.

Activities that put pressure on the treated area, such as rubbing the face or wearing tight hats or headbands, should be avoided.

Even strenuous exercise, which can increase blood flow and potentially move the Botox, should be avoided for a certain period post-treatment. Even certain facial expressions can potentially disrupt the Botox.

The goal is to allow the Botox to settle into the targeted muscles without disruption.

As always, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider for a comprehensive list of activities to avoid and for personalized advice.

In the next section, we’ll wrap up our discussion and summarize the key points.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in this article, from understanding what Botox is and how it works, to the potential risks of getting a massage immediately after Botox, and other activities to avoid.

The key takeaway is that while Botox can be a highly effective treatment for reducing wrinkles and fine lines, it requires a period of careful post-treatment care to ensure the best results. So, what are the key points to remember?

Key Points To Remember

  • Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment that requires careful post-treatment care.
  • Massages and other activities that put pressure on the treated area should be avoided for at least seven days post-Botox.
  • The goal is to allow the Botox to settle into the targeted muscles without disruption.
  • Always inform your massage therapist about recent Botox injections.
  • Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

While the idea of a relaxing massage after Botox might be tempting, it’s best to wait at least seven days to ensure the best possible results from your treatment.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in answering your questions about Botox and massages.

If you have more massage questions check out our hub here.


  1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: This page provides comprehensive information on Botulinum Toxin (Botox), including how it works and what to expect during treatment.
  2. Mayo Clinic: This article from Mayo Clinic, a renowned healthcare organization, provides an overview of Botox, including its uses, risks, and what to expect.
  3. WebMD: This page on WebMD, a trusted source of medical information, provides a detailed overview of Botox, including how it works, what it’s used for, and potential side effects.
  4. Cleveland Clinic: This article from Cleveland Clinic, a leading healthcare provider, provides information on Botox and similar treatments, including what to expect and how to prepare.
  5. Harvard Health Publishing: This article from Harvard Health Publishing, a respected source of health information, provides a balanced view of Botox, including its benefits and potential risks.
  6. American Academy of Dermatology Association: This page provides an overview of Botulinum Toxin, including what to expect during treatment and post-treatment care, from the American Academy of Dermatology Association, a leading organization in dermatology.

Q: Can I get a massage after getting Botox?

A: It is generally recommended to wait at least 7 days after getting Botox before receiving any massage treatments.

Q: Can botox treatment affect a massage therapist’s ability to provide a full body massage?

A: Botox treatment does not affect a massage therapist’s ability to provide a full body massage.

Q: Can a massage therapist bruise the area where I got Botox injections?

A: Yes, it is possible for a massage therapist to cause bruising in the area where you received Botox injections.

Q: How long should I wait after getting Botox injections before getting a full body massage?

A: It is recommended to wait at least 7 days after getting Botox injections before getting a full body massage.

Q: Is it safe to get a facial massage after getting Botox?

A: It is generally safe to get a facial massage after getting Botox – and it has settled (this is very important!), as long as the massage therapist avoids direct pressure on your face and frown lines.

Q: Should I avoid getting a facial massage if I just got Botox?

A: It is not recommended to get a facial massage, and you should also avoid touching your face or doing any facial exercises during this time.

Q: Can I lie face down on a massage table after getting Botox?

A: It is generally safe to lie face down on a massage table after getting Botox, as long as you avoid putting direct pressure on your face and frown lines.

Q: How long after getting Botox should I wait before doing facial exercises?

A: It is recommended to wait at least 7 days after getting Botox before doing any facial exercises.

Q: Can I get rid of wrinkles by getting a massage after Botox?

A: While massage can help improve circulation and promote relaxation, it will not get rid of wrinkles caused by Botox.

Q: How long after getting Botox should I wait before coming into direct contact with someone?

A: It is recommended to wait at least six hours after getting Botox before coming into direct contact with someone.