What Massage Releases Trauma?

Massage therapy has become widely recognized as an effective treatment for releasing both physical and emotional trauma from the body and mind.

When integrated as part of a holistic healing approach, massage can help relieve pain, reduce stress, improve sleep, and support overall wellness in those who have experienced trauma.

Key Facts on Using Massage for Trauma Release:

  • Massage helps release stored tension and stress from the body which frequently manifests from traumatic experiences. This allows the nervous system to come out of fight-or-flight mode.
  • Techniques like myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and somatic experiencing work to free restricted fascia and tissues which hold trauma.
  • Finding a therapist specially trained in trauma-informed care ensures a safe, trusting, and compassionate massage experience.
  • When combined with psychotherapy, massage helps reinforce mind-body healing, processing trauma memories, and regulating emotions.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how massage helps the body and mind heal from trauma, the different massage techniques used, how to find a trauma-informed therapist, and the benefits of pairing massage with other therapies.

Read on to learn how this powerful form of bodywork assists with trauma release and recovery.

How Massage Therapy Helps The Body Heal From Trauma

Experiencing emotional or physical trauma triggers the body’s sympathetic nervous system, initiating the fight-or-flight stress response.

While this can be lifesaving in the moment, chronic stress from unresolved trauma keeps the body perpetually on high alert.

Stress and anxiety sufferer

The massage therapist uses their hands to apply pressure and movement to soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and fascia. This stimulation helps release chronic muscle tension, increase blood flow, improve range of motion, and restore the body back to a parasympathetic state of calm.

As the body comes out of survival mode, built-up waste products like cortisol and lactic acid can be flushed out, inflammation reduced, and a sense of relaxation promoted.

Massage also boosts feel-good endorphins which elevate mood.

This integrative treatment can provide relief for common PTSD symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, headaches, digestive issues, body pain, and fatigue.

How Massage Therapy Sessions Can Facilitate Emotional Release

Massage therapy provides a unique opportunity for individuals to process and release pent-up emotions and trauma in a safe, caring environment.

Active release therapy

Here’s how massage fosters emotional release:

  • The compassionate, non-judgmental presence of the massage therapist helps create a trusting atmosphere for emotional expression.
  • As physical tension is relieved through massage, this allows emotions to flow more freely to the surface.
  • Mindfulness exercises during the session teach tuning into bodily sensations which can unlock suppressed emotions.
  • Having a dedicated time to care for one’s body without distraction allows any emotions arising to be fully experienced.
  • Human touch, especially when deprived, can lead to cathartic emotional releases as a sense of safety is restored.

Specialized Techniques That Aid Trauma and PTSD Recovery

There are massage modalities specifically developed to address post-traumatic stress and help individuals move through traumatic memories in a healing way:

  • Somatic Experiencing (SE) uses touch along with mindfulness to help clients tune into bodily sensations and slowly discharge trapped survival energy from the nervous system.
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy integrates body-oriented techniques to help clients process traumatic memories in a bottom-up approach to support integration.
  • Trauma Touch Therapy employs nurturing therapeutic touch to help repair developmental trauma imprints and form healthy attachment patterns.
  • Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) uses exercises that evoke gentle tremors to release trauma and tension held in the body.

How Massage Can Benefit Common Trauma Responses

Experiencing trauma often leads to both emotional and physical ailments.

Here’s how massage can help relieve some typical post-trauma symptoms:

  • Headaches, neck pain – Myofascial techniques release muscle tension which contributes to pain.
  • Insomnia – Massage promotes serotonin/melatonin production and parasympathetic relaxation which improves sleep.
  • Digestive problems – Massage aids circulation to digestive organs and reduces cortisol levels which causes symptoms.
  • Hypervigilance, anxiety – Calming massage eases the nervous system out of fight-or-flight mode.
  • Depression – Massage elevates mood through serotonin, dopamine and endorphin release.
  • Physical pain – Massage reduces inflammation and helps relax contracted tissues from trauma.

While everyone’s trauma healing path is unique, massage therapy is one empowering way to help support the body’s innate capacity for holistic recovery.

When combined with other therapies, massage can transform traumatic imprints into embodiments of health and integration.

Massage Techniques That Release Trauma From The Body

There are numerous massage modalities and approaches which can be incorporated into trauma therapy treatment plans.

Some of the most effective massage treatments for trauma include:

  • Myofascial Release – The massage therapist applies gentle, sustained pressure to restricted areas of fascia and connective tissues to help release adhesions and scar tissue which may have accumulated from injury or chronic stress. This helps reduce pain and restore mobility.
  • Craniosacral Therapy – Gentle massage techniques are used to release tensions held in the craniosacral system of the skull, spine, and connective tissues by helping improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This aids in easing trauma held in the nervous system.
  • Somatic Experiencing – Combines soft tissue work with mindfulness exercises that bring awareness to bodily sensations. This allows the client to restore the mind-body connection and release trauma in a gradual, self-directed way.
  • Acupressure – Applying pressure to specific acupuncture points on the body can help release blocked energy flow, reduce inflammation, and restore balance in the systems impacted by trauma like digestion or sleep.
  • Trigger Point Therapy – Isolated areas of tight muscle fibers are compressed to alleviate irritability in the tissue which causes referred pain in other areas. This helps provide myofascial pain relief.

How To Find The Right Massage Therapist For Trauma Healing

It’s important when seeking massage therapy for trauma recovery that you feel completely comfortable, safe, and trusted with your massage therapist before, during and after your sessions.

Consider the following when researching practitioners:

  • Look for therapists with specific training in trauma-informed care and somatically-based bodywork. This ensures they have the skills and sensibilities to handle trauma clients.
  • Schedule an initial consultation call to get a feel for the therapist’s approach, communication style and if your personalities mesh. Trust your intuition.
  • Ask what experience they have working with trauma clients and techniques they incorporate. Look for mind-body knowledge.
  • Ensure they are professional, compassionate and make your comfort a priority throughout the sessions. You have the right to end a session at any time.
  • Discuss their office setting – a quiet, calming environment is ideal. You can also request draping if feeling exposed.
  • Find a therapist open to feedback so techniques can be tailored to your needs. Ongoing communication allows you to feel heard.

Pairing Massage With Other Therapies for Optimal Trauma Healing

While massage offers many direct benefits, combining it with other modalities like psychotherapy or meditation can enhance your trauma recovery process:

  • Psychotherapy – Talk therapy paired with body-based modalities reinforces mind-body healing. Being able to process memories and emotions which arise during massage allows for deeper trauma release.
  • Meditation – Body scans and breathing exercises learned in meditation complement massage by teaching you to tune into bodily sensations, reduce anxiety and regulate your nervous system.
  • Yoga – Gentle yoga postures help build body awareness and mindfulness which allows you to gain a sense of control over your trauma responses. This further supports tissue release through massage.
  • Acupuncture – Acupuncture and massage work synergistically to move stagnant energy and fluid in the body which gets restricted by trauma. Combining these modalities promotes deep relaxation.
  • Craniosacral Therapy – Receiving both craniosacral and massage therapy enhances the release of tension held in connective tissues, organs, and nervous system. This improves the body’s ability to return to homeostasis.

The Lasting Benefits of Massage for Healing Trauma

While the benefits of massage are felt immediately during and after a therapy session through reduced muscle tension, lowered heart rate, and improved mood – over time, regular massage provides extensive emotional and physical healing. 


To sum up, lets remind ourselves of some of the many benefits massage patients can experience:

  • Develop increased body awareness, comfort, and grounding in the present moment
  • Experience fewer emotional outbursts, anxiety spikes, panic attacks or PTSD flashbacks
  • Improved ability to self-regulate emotions and physiology when stressed or triggered
  • Reduction in depression, irritability, hypervigilance and isolation
  • Regain a sense of safety and trust in relationships
  • Increased engagement in daily activities and ability to feel joy
  • Improved sleep quality and energy levels
  • Enhanced emotional intelligence and communication skills
  • Development of healthy coping mechanisms for stress
  • Greater sense of agency, self-confidence and embodiment

The journey of healing trauma takes courage, patience, and support.

By releasing the deeply held tensions in your body through trauma-informed massage along with proven mind-body therapies, you can experience deep transformation, integration and recovery.


  1. Massage therapy research review – PMC – National Center for …

    • A review showcasing the beneficial effects of massage therapy on various conditions including prenatal depression, preterm infants, autism, and more.
  2. In Safe Hands: Massage & PTSD | Massage Therapy Journal

    • An article discussing the relationship between massage and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  3. A Series of Case Reports Regarding the Use of Massage Therapy to …

    • Case reports suggesting that massage therapy may reduce the symptoms of PTSD, especially sleep disturbances.
  4. Massage Therapy for Health: What the Science Says | NCCIH

    • An evaluation by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality on the effectiveness of massage for chronic low-back pain.
  5. Concussion Treatment Using Massage Techniques: a Case Study

    • A case study presenting a unique massage therapy approach to concussion trauma treatment.
  6. Massage therapy for stress management: implications for … – PubMed

    • A literature review discussing the direct relationship between massage and positive health outcomes, especially in stress reduction.
  7. Efficacy and safety of massage in the treatment of… : Medicine

    • Research highlighting the effectiveness of massage in improving mood and reducing major adverse events in stroke patients.

Q: What is emotional release and how does it relate to massage therapy?

A: Emotional release refers to a type of massage that is designed to release trauma stored within the body. It is a therapeutic approach that aims to address the emotional and physical effects of trauma through touch and bodywork.

By incorporating techniques such as myofascial release, trauma touch, and somatic experiencing, massage can help individuals overcome the negative emotions and physical tension that can be caused by traumatic experiences.

Q: How can massage benefit my emotional health?

A: Massage can have a profound impact on one’s mental health. By releasing trauma and tension stored within the body, this type of therapy can help individuals process and heal from their emotional wounds. It provides a safe and nurturing space to explore and address the effects of trauma, allowing for increased self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.

Q: What are some specific techniques used in emotional release?

A: Techniques commonly used in trauma treatment include myofascial release, trauma touch, somatic experiencing, and therapeutic massage. These techniques focus on specific areas of the body where trauma is often stored, helping to release tension, promote relaxation, and restore balance within the body.

Q: How does massage work in conjunction with therapy for PTSD?

A: It can be a powerful adjunct to therapy for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

While traditional talk therapy focuses on processing traumatic events through dialogue, massage allows for the release of trauma on a physical level.

By combining these approaches, individuals can address both the emotional and physical aspects of their trauma, leading to more comprehensive healing and recovery.

Q: Who can benefit from massage?

A: Anyone who has experienced a traumatic event or is dealing with the effects of trauma can benefit from massage. Whether the trauma is physical or emotional in nature, this type of therapy can help individuals release tension, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and support overall well-being.

Q: What can I expect during a massage session?

A: During a session, you can expect to be comfortably positioned on a massage table. The therapist will use various techniques, such as gentle touch, slow strokes, and deep pressure, to address specific areas of the body where trauma may be stored.

It is common to experience a range of emotions during a session as the body releases and processes stored trauma.

Q: How often should I schedule massage sessions?

A: The frequency of sessions can vary depending on individual needs and goals. Some individuals may benefit from weekly sessions, while others may find that bi-weekly or monthly sessions are enough.

It is important to work with your therapist to determine what frequency is most beneficial for you.

Q: Can massage help with chronic pain?

A: Yes, it can be beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain. Chronic pain often stems from physical or emotional trauma, and can help release tension and restore balance within the body, reducing pain and improving overall function.

Q: Is massage a type of therapy that I can do on my own?

A: It is primarily a therapeutic approach that is best done with the guidance of a trained professional. While there are self-care techniques that individuals can learn and practice at home, having a qualified therapist facilitate the release of trauma is typically more effective and safe.

Q: How can I find a reputable massage practitioner?

A: It’s recommended to do some research in your area. Look for licensed massage therapists or bodyworkers who specialize in trauma-informed care. You can also ask for recommendations from healthcare professionals or search online directories of wellness centers that offer massage.