How To Give Yourself A Sinus Massage – What You Need to Nose…

Feeling the pressure of sinus congestion? You’re not alone. Sinus issues can be a real headache, literally.

But what if we told you there’s a simple, natural remedy that can provide relief right at your fingertips? Welcome to the world of sinus massage.

This age-old technique can help alleviate sinus discomfort, and the best part is, you can do it yourself!

Key Facts:

  • Sinus massage is a natural, non-invasive technique to relieve sinus congestion and pain.
  • It involves applying pressure to specific points on your face and neck.
  • Regular practice can help improve sinus drainage and reduce inflammation.
  • Essential oils can enhance the experience and provide additional benefits.
  • It’s easy to learn and can be done anywhere, anytime.

Now, let’s dive a little deeper. Sinus massage, often overlooked, is a self-care practice that can bring immediate relief from sinus pressure.

 It’s a safe and natural method that uses your own hands to stimulate and clear your sinus passages.

Whether you’re dealing with a common cold, allergies, or a sinus infection, this technique can be a game-changer.

So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore how you can give yourself a sinus massage and say goodbye to that annoying sinus pressure.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health practices. We are not responsible for any harm or injury resulting from the application of techniques described in this article.

Understanding Your Sinuses

Before we delve into the how-to of sinus massage, it’s essential to understand what we’re dealing with.

Our sinuses are air-filled cavities located within the bones surrounding the nose and eyes.

They play a crucial role in humidifying the air we breathe and producing mucus to trap and expel pathogens.

Sinus diagram

Common Sinus Problems

Sinus problems are more common than you might think. They can range from a simple cold to more severe conditions like sinusitis. Here are a few common sinus issues:

  • Sinusitis: This is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. It can be acute or chronic, and it often causes pain and discomfort.
  • Common Cold: A viral infection that affects your nose and throat, the common cold often leads to blocked sinuses.
  • Allergic Rhinitis: Also known as hay fever, this is an allergic response to specific allergens. It can cause sinus congestion, sneezing, and a runny nose.

How Can Sinus Massage Help?

Sinus massage comes to the rescue by helping to stimulate blood flow and improve sinus drainage, thus relieving the symptoms associated with these common sinus problems.

It’s a natural, method that can provide relief without the need for medication.

When you’re applying pressure to the sinus cavities, particularly those behind the nose and on either side of the nose, you’re stimulating these areas to relieve sinus pain and help drain out mucus.

This is especially beneficial for those suffering from chronic sinusitis or frequent sinus headaches.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the steps to prepare for and perform an effective sinus massage.

Preparation for Sinus Massage

Before you dive into the massage, there are a few things you need to prepare. These steps will ensure you get the most out of your sinus massage and make the experience more enjoyable and effective.

Create a Relaxing Environment

First things first, find a quiet, comfortable space where you can relax. This could be your bedroom, living room, or even a peaceful spot in your garden.

The key is to be in a place where you can focus on the massage without distractions.

Cleanliness is Key

Ensure your hands are clean before you start the massage. This is crucial as you’ll be touching your face, and you don’t want to introduce any bacteria or dirt into your sinuses.

The Role of Essential Oils

Essential oils can enhance your sinus massage experience. They can provide additional benefits such as relaxation, improved mood, and even further relief from sinus congestion.

essential oils

Here are a few options (Just make sure you are sure you don’t have allergies for any of these before using):

  • Eucalyptus Oil: Known for its decongestant properties.
  • Peppermint Oil: Helps to clear the respiratory tract.
  • Lavender Oil: Promotes relaxation and reduces inflammation.

Remember, essential oils should be used with care.

Always dilute them with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil before applying to the skin.

Safety Measures

While sinus massage is generally safe, it’s important to be mindful of the pressure you’re applying.

The face is a sensitive area, so always use gentle, circular motions. If you feel any pain or discomfort, ease up on the pressure.

Now that you’re all set, let’s move on to the actual steps of the sinus massage.

Ready to say goodbye to that sinus pressure? Let’s go!

Step-by-Step Guide to Sinus Massage

Now that you’re all set, let’s dive into the actual process of giving yourself a sinus massage.

Remember, the key is to be gentle and listen to your body. If any step causes discomfort, ease up on the pressure or move to the next step.


Start by rubbing your hands together to generate heat. This warmth can be soothing and help prepare your sinuses for the massage.

Frontal Sinus Massage

Your frontal sinuses are located in the center of your forehead, right above each eye.

Here’s how to massage them:

  1. Place your index and middle fingers on the center of your brow bone.
  2. Gently massage in a circular motion, moving outwards towards your temples.
  3. Repeat this process for about a minute.

Sinus Self Massage Video Guide

Cheekbone Massage

Your maxillary sinuses are located under your cheekbones. Here’s how to massage this area:

  • Place your index and middle fingers on the apples of your cheeks.
  • Apply gentle pressure and move your fingers in a circular motion.
  • Continue this for about a minute.

Nose Massage

Massaging the sides of your nose can help relieve pressure in your ethmoid sinuses. Here’s how:

  • Using your index fingers, apply gentle pressure on the sides of your nose.
  • Move your fingers in a downward motion towards your nostrils.
  • Repeat this process for about a minute.

Neck Massage

Massaging the back of your neck can help improve overall sinus drainage.

Here’s how:

  • Place your hands at the base of your skull.
  • Apply gentle pressure and move your hands in a downward motion towards your shoulders.
  • Continue this for about a minute.

Remember, the goal is to relieve sinus pressure, not to cause discomfort. Always use gentle, circular motions and adjust the pressure to what feels comfortable for you.

In the next section, we’ll share some additional tips to make your sinus massage even more effective.

Additional Tips for Effective Sinus Massage

Now that you’ve mastered the basic techniques of sinus massage, let’s explore some additional tips to make your massage even more effective.

These tips can enhance your experience and help you get the most out of your self-care routine.

The Role of Heat

Applying heat can help to open up your sinuses and enhance the effectiveness of your massage. Here’s how you can incorporate heat into your routine:

  • Use a microwavable hot pack on your forehead or under the back of your neck while you perform the sinus massage.
  • The heat can help to relax your muscles and open up your sinus passages, making the massage more effective.

Enhance with Essential Oils

We’ve already mentioned the use of essential oils in your preparation, but they can also play a key role during the massage itself.

Here’s how:

  • Add a drop of your favorite essential oil to your fingertips before massaging.
  • Alternatively, try rubbing a drop of your favorite essential oil just below your nose (never inside) for a calming effect.

Frequency and Duration

Consistency is key when it comes to sinus massage. Here are some guidelines:

  • Aim to perform your sinus massage once or twice a day, especially when you’re experiencing sinus congestion.
  • Each massage session should last around 5-10 minutes, but listen to your body and adjust as needed.

Remember, sinus massage is a tool in your self-care toolkit. It’s not a cure-all, but it can provide significant relief when used consistently and correctly.

The Impact of a Sinus Massage

So, does a sinus massage actually work?

The answer is a resounding yes!

By applying pressure to the right points and using the correct techniques, a sinus massage can help to relieve the pressure, drain the sinuses, and alleviate the discomfort associated with sinus pain and congestion.

Remember, while a sinus massage can provide relief, it’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional if your symptoms persist or worsen.

The Role of a Massage Therapist

While a sinus self-massage can provide significant relief, a licensed massage therapist can offer a more comprehensive treatment.

They have the knowledge and skills to target specific pressure points and use advanced techniques to relieve pain and drain mucus more effectively. However, even without a massage therapist, you can still achieve great results at home.

In the next section, we’ll explore the concept of lymphatic drainage and how it relates to your sinus health. Keep reading!

Understanding Lymphatic Drainage

As we continue our journey towards sinus relief, let’s take a moment to understand another crucial aspect of our body’s function – the lymphatic system. This network of tissues and organs helps rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials. It plays a vital role in our immune system and overall health.

Lymphatic Drainage and Sinus Health

Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. This can help to remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues.

But how does it relate to sinus health?

  • Reduced Congestion: Lymphatic drainage can help to reduce congestion in the sinuses by improving fluid movement and reducing inflammation.
  • Improved Immune Response: By aiding the removal of toxins, lymphatic drainage can help to improve your body’s immune response, which can be beneficial if your sinus issues are due to an infection.

Incorporating Lymphatic Drainage Techniques

While a full lymphatic drainage massage is best performed by a professional, there are techniques you can incorporate into your sinus massage routine:

  • Gentle Pressure: Lymphatic drainage uses very light pressure, even lighter than your sinus massage. This helps to stimulate the lymphatic system without compressing the vessels.
  • Directional Strokes: The strokes used in lymphatic drainage are directional, generally moving towards the heart. This helps to guide the lymph fluid in the direction it naturally flows.

In the next section, we’ll wrap up our guide and answer some common questions you might have about sinus massage.


And there you have it! A comprehensive guide on how to give yourself a sinus massage.

We’ve explored the benefits of sinus massage, the step-by-step process, and even delved into the world of lymphatic drainage.

Remember, sinus massage is a natural, non-invasive method that can provide significant relief from sinus congestion and pain. It’s a tool you can use anytime, anywhere to help manage your sinus health.

Recap of Key Points

To wrap up, let’s revisit some of the key points we’ve covered:

  • Sinus massage can help alleviate sinus congestion and pain.
  • Preparation is key: create a relaxing environment, ensure cleanliness, and consider using essential oils.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide for a comprehensive sinus massage.
  • Incorporate heat and essential oils for an enhanced experience.
  • Understand and utilize lymphatic drainage techniques for added benefits.

We hope this guide has been helpful and encourages you to incorporate sinus massage into your self-care routine.

Remember, every individual is unique, so listen to your body and adjust the techniques as needed. Here’s to happier sinuses!


  1. Sinus Massage – This article provides a detailed guide on how to perform a sinus massage to relieve sinus pressure and congestion.
  2. Mayo Clinic: Unlocking the Mystery of Your Sinuses – This resource from Mayo Clinic provides an in-depth understanding of the sinus system and how it functions.
  3. CDC: Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides information on sinus infections, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

In the next section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about sinus massage.

Q: How can I drain my sinuses with a self-massage?

A: In order to relieve the pressure and drain your sinuses with a self-massage, begin by rubbing your hands together to warm them. Then, apply gentle pressure to the area on either side of your head, just above your eyebrows. This part of the massage focuses on the frontal sinuses.

Move down to the area on either side of your nose, focusing on your maxillary sinuses. It’s also beneficial to massage across your cheekbones, your upper jaw, and the bridge of your nose, which may help relieve nasal congestion.

Q: Do sinus massages work to ease the discomfort caused by nasal congestion?

A: Many people find that sinus massages can provide temporary relief from nasal congestion. They work by applying pressure and warmth, which helps to loosen and drain mucus from your sinuses.

While sinus massages can’t cure a stuffy nose, they can help relieve the pressure and make you feel more comfortable.

Q: Why do sinuses get clogged and how does massaging help?

A: Sinuses can get clogged due to a buildup of excess mucus which can lead to pressure and pain. This can be due to a cold, allergies, or a sinus infection.

Massaging the sinuses can help to drain the mucus, relieve the pressure, and alleviate some of the pain. This is due to the fact that massage can stimulate circulation, encourage drainage, and reduce swelling.

Q: What are the best massage techniques to relieve sinus pain and pressure?

A: There are several sinus massage techniques that can help to relieve sinus pain and pressure. One common technique is the frontal sinus massage, where you apply gentle pressure and massage in circular motions above your eyebrows.

Another technique is the maxillary sinus massage, which focuses on the area on either side of your nose. Massaging your sphenoid sinuses, which are located deep in your head, can also provide relief. Remember, the pressure should be gentle and movements should be slow and fluid.

Q: How can I do a sinus self-massage?

A: Here’s how to give yourself a sinus self-massage: Begin by warming your hands by rubbing them together. Then, using your index fingers, apply gentle pressure on either side of your nose, massaging in a downward motion.

Move your fingers in a circular motion across your cheekbones, towards your ears, and then down to the sides of your neck. Repeat this process a few times. This type of massage can help with sinus drainage and relieve sinus pressure.

Q: Does the effectiveness of sinus massages decrease when your sinuses are very clogged?

A: Even when your sinuses are quite clogged, a gentle massage can still provide some relief. The massage may help by encouraging movement of the stuck fluid, eventually helping to drain the excess mucus from the sinus cavities. However, if the massaging leads to any discomfort or pain, it should be stopped immediately.

Q: What causes sinus pain and how does self-massage relieve it?

A: Sinus pain is typically caused by inflammation leading to pressure build-up in the eight sinus cavities in your head.

This pressure often leads to facial pain, headaches, and nasal congestion. A sinus self-massage helps by applying pressure and warmth, stimulating circulation, reducing inflammation, and helping to drain fluid which results in pressure relief.

Q: What are the signs that my sinuses are clogged?

A: Signs of clogged sinuses include nasal congestion, a stuffy or runny nose, pain and pressure in your face, and sometimes headaches. Other symptoms can include fatigue, a reduced sense of smell, bad breath, and an overall feeling of being unwell. If you experience these symptoms, a sinus massage might help relieve your discomfort.

Q: Can the relief from sinus massages be attributed to the placebo effect?

A: While some people may experience relief due to the placebo effect, the benefits of sinus massages are well-documented. It’s believed that the physical act of the massage stimulates circulation, encourages the draining of mucus, and reduces swelling, leading to relief from sinus pain and pressure.

Q: What should I do if a sinus massage doesn’t relieve my symptoms?

A: If sinus massages aren’t providing relief, it may be due to severe sinusitis, which might require medical intervention. It’s advisable to seek medical help if your symptoms persist or worsen after self-care measures like sinus massages. A healthcare professional will be able to provide further guidance and recommendations for treatment.